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Festival Janáček Brno

For the tenth time, the Janáček Festival Brno 2026 will ring out the city where Leoš Janáček lived practically his entire life.

The 10th edition of the festival will take place from 15 October – 17 November 2026.


For the tenth time, the Janáček Festival Brno 2026 will ring out the city where Leoš Janáček lived practically his entire life.

The 10th edition of the festival will take place from 15 October – 17 November 2026.


Trailer for the 9th Janáček Brno Festival

Echoes of the Janáček Brno Festival:

Ozveny festivalu jiz 3. a 4. prosince 2024 3 1
Ozveny festivalu jiz 3. a 4. prosince 2024 5 1

They wrote about the festival

The International Opera Awards

It has only taken six editions of the biennial Janáček Brno festival for it to work its way up to being one of the best opera festivals in the world. Janáček Brno was the first festival in the Czech Republic to win the prestigious International Opera Awards prize for the best festival of 2018 (for more information, please see: www.operaawards.org).

The patronage of the JB 2024 festival was taken over by

Petr Pavel

President of the Czech Republic

Petr Fiala

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Martin Baxa

Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic

Jan Grolich

Governor of the South Moravia Region

Markéta Vaňková

Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno

Andreas Künne

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Prague

The partners of the JB 2024 festival: